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DryLakes Hall of Fame Landspeed Historians Sports Fans
Websites posting the newsletter are:
By Jim
Again I have to thank
the American Hot Rod
Foundation for me being able
to devote so much time to
saving our history.
Previously you saw one of my
old cigarette cards
featuring George Eyston's
"Flying Spray," or as the
car was really called,
"Speed of the Wind" that he
raced at Bonneville. As
luck would have it, I just
received a shot from Eric
Anders (he was involved with
the record setting CFI
Highway Hauler at the salt
in '99) of Eyston in the car
in '35. Imagine sitting in
that front wheel drive beast
powered by a Rolls-Royce
engine for not one, two or
five miles like what is done
today but for 10, 100 and up
to 3,000 miles and setting
the World's 24-hour Record
at 140.52 mph. As I've
mentioned previously, you
have to think out of the box
when looking for info. The
new Eyston pix led me to a
clipping out of an old
magazine from the early '33
that I've included. It
shows him in his record
setting MG EX 127. This
little car was powered by a
supercharged 743cc 4-banger
that he set 13 records up to
1000 kilometers and 12 hours
in, the fastest being 120.56
mph in the mile. To put
that into perspective, the
fast guys at Muroc were just
breaking 100 mph with
engines five times bigger.
But the biggest find wasn't
from print. It was a
transcript of a speech that
Mr Eyston gave on September
29, 1938, 20 days after
setting the World Land Speed
Record at Bonneville in his
"Thunderbolt" at 357.497 mph
to the Empire Club in
Toronto, Canada. Here is
the speech. Enjoy.
(Speaking - CAPTAIN GEORGE E. T. EYSTON, M.C.) Mr President, Your Worship, His Reverence and Gentlemen: I am awfully glad to visit you today because, after all it is on the occasion of so very much better news, so far as the Empire is concerned. I always felt, having been through the last war from the start to the finish, that we couldn't possibly have another one, and I do think perhaps this is coming about, because it is inconceivable that people could be so silly these days; and it is really of historical importance, as you all know, that there can be such a momentous conference as is taking place today many thousands of miles away. I didn't come to talk to you about that but I couldn't help mentioning it. The subject of my talk today is "The Land Speed Record"--the fastest ever travelled on land. It is a test of man and machine. To begin with the two runs have to be made in opposite directions and both of these runs have to be accomplished within a space of sixty minutes. This is the international rule governing this blue ribbon of records, the Land Speed Records.
Now you know this record
is held at the present
moment by the "Thunderbolt"
which I planned and built
and the present speed is
357.5 miles an hour or 575
kilometers an hour. The run
in the northward direction
was accomplished at 356.44
miles an hour and the run in
the southward direction was
made at 358.57 miles an
hour. The difference in
these speeds is
attributable, I think, to
the condition of the track
at various points, but it is
significant that the fastest
speed record by the
"Thunderbolt" this year on
the memorable September 16
was 359.64 miles an
hour-over the kilometer.
That is, of course, in one
direction, but it
approximates to about one
third of a mile short of 360
miles an hour which is the
magic six miles a minute. It
is only a hair's breadth,
really, and a very small
percentage of the whole and
as pronounced acceleration
was noticeable on all runs
through the measured
distance on every occasion,
it is certain the car did
for a few seconds exceed a
speed of six miles a minute
which, of course, is another
milestone in the history of
motoring. I am very glad to
have been able to accomplish
this with a British car.
You remember that this
event took place, as your
President said, on the
Bonneville Salt Flats, in
Utah, a very long distance
from here. It is a fantastic
sight to see this large
field of gleaming salt
stretched far between the
mountains of Western Utah
and Nevada. Only a small
portion of this salt-bed can
be used for motor car
records for the rest is soft
salt and mud. When we
arrived in July the whole
place was flooded to about
ten inches and it took ages
for the liquid, as I would
call it, to evaporate, owing
to it being salt brine. Then
we had to wait until the
water level dropped several
inches below the surface
before the beds were hard
enough to run on. It is
important that they should
be very dry in order that
the powerful motors in the
car can have sufficient grip
to hurl the huge mass of the
machine forward at over 530
feet per second. To give
you an idea of what speed
really means, my large
44-inch diameter tires were
revolving at 45 revolutions
per second. Imagine the very
largest wheel you have ever
seen on a huge commercial
vehicle and picture what it
means for it to revolve at
45 revolutions while you
count one. On the salt bed
which has to be carefully
prepared by dragging, we
paint one or more black
lines along the whole
length. These lines act as
guides and prevent the
driver straying; for errors
of a few feet in steering
might culminate in
disastrous results. You see,
you might drive a few feet
away from the absolute
straight line, something
else might happen and you
get a few feet more and,
believe me, you will never
get back.
The car is brought out
over night from our little
village of Wendover and
deposited with all our
paraphernalia under a large
marquee on the desert. On
the day of the record run we
get up at one o'clock in the
morning and drive several
miles out to the marquee in
the desert and commence
heating the oil for the
engine and transmission, and
bolt on our racing wheels
(eight in number) and when
daylight appears we hope
that there will be
conditions of no wind and,
of course, no rain. Just
after dawn the car is pushed
to the start and then we
have to see whether the
time-keepers are ready. I
have to shut myself in the
cockpit by means of closing
the roof and then adjust the
fresh air mask which has
saved me on very many
occasions. This mask, I
would explain, is connected
up by a small tube about
three-quarters of an inch in
diameter leading to the nose
of the machine and
therefore, of course, you
readily understand fresh air
is always available no
matter what is happening in
the cockpit. With two
engines of a couple of
thousand horsepower each
there might be a
considerable volume of
carbon monoxide which
wouldn't give you a second
When the word is given
that the course is clear the
car is pushed off by a truck
just to get it on the move
and then the huge motors
roar out their message of
immense power. The car
literally disappears down
the course in a cloud of
black smoke, because, in
order to keep the
temperature down on engines
giving so much power, it is
necessary to run with the
mixture very rich and the
exhaust smoke trails out in
a long stream as the machine
shoots forward. Undoubtedly,
when going full out there is
a trail of perhaps three and
a half miles of this black
smoke. Second gear is
changed for top just under
two hundred miles an hour.
The mile posts start passing
as if you were "running the
hundred -yards" as we have
large square boards
indicating the number of
miles from the start and the
number of miles to pull up
from the end of the measured
distance. These boards are
awfully important since you
can soon lose track of where
you are. It must be
remembered in connection
with the "hundred yards" I
have mentioned that the
measured mile is covered in
just over ten seconds. How
many of you have run a
hundred yards "in evens"?
Well, the car does the mile
in something like this or a
trifle more.
When going through the
measured distance you are
conscious of being encased
in a projectile which
nothing on earth will stop,
and it is just a matter,
really, of shooting through
space. That is, of course,
unless something happens!
And it is that fear of this
"something happening" which
tends to add to the real
thrill, never to be
forgotten. As the car
passes by, you "see the
object," and the sound
follows about half a mile
behind which is the real
thrill given to the
spectators. When you have
got over this measured
distance there comes the
anxious problem of pulling
up, for only six miles ahead
of you there is a road and a
railway at right angles to
the track. There is the end
of all things and you must
come to a standstill. So you
shut down the engines, quite
gingerly, and after a pause
the air brakes are shot out.
These project on either side
of the car. Of course there
is no possibility of testing
them beforehand so it is
really a great thrill the
first time you put out the
air brakes, at 320,
wondering whether they are
still in the machine or
whether the tail is being
torn off. Because, generally
speaking, people even in
aircraft do not put out
brakes at 300 miles an hour! It is not yet possible to apply the mechanical brakes. Therefore, one rushes on and on--of course, far faster than ever experienced before because no one else has done it! Toward the spot where a halt must be called or otherwise disaster must result. At last the time has come when the mechanical brakes can be applied to the full and their wonderful power saves the day. You have got to sit looking at the revolution counter falling and the distance diminishing to where you have got to halt and you hope your brakes are going to work! To go on all through the business of breaking the record and the actual driving would be much too long and technical so I will just say this, that I am satisfied that Great Britain has put the land speed record where it will be difficult to beat by anyone outside the country. (Applause) "Thunderbolt" has two Rolls Royce motors of 2,000 horsepower each which are geared together. The car is 35 feet long and weighs nearly seven tons. We tried the bold experiment of removing the stabilizing fin during the last run and it was very thrilling to see what would happen at these great speeds of over 350 miles an hour without the assistance of this fin to keep the car straight. All was well, however, and the reason of course for taking off this fin was to eliminate the extra drag as we thought that we could do a better speed without it. The car was built in the works at Wolverhampton in England on a large table over which there was a huge crane. It was all accomplished in eight months, and well do I remember every day of it, since I hardly slept a wink. We got out to America in the late autumn of 1937 and took the Land Speed Record from "Bluebird" at 312 miles an hour and the fastest speed record last year was 319, which we thought was absolutely terrific! Well I'm awfully glad to be permitted to address the members of the "Empire Club of Canada," and also those friends of the Dunlop Company and C. C. Wakefield, whose branches are out here and whose parent firm has helped me so much in this great record. I can't tell you, Mr. President, how much I value your looking after me and all the arrangements that have been absolutely superb. I am sorry that I didn't sleep last night-that was my fault. After the record there were many things I had to do, both business and otherwise and it has been necessary to resort to flying about. As your President has said I shall be very glad indeed to answer any questions you may like to put to me, always reserving, of course, the right to refuse to answer those I don't like! You might like to know something particular about the car and its performance and what we did. In conclusion may I say again how splendid it is to be with you here. It is the first time I have been in Canada. I have been very close many times but it was literally impossible to make it. I do hope that the international situation will clear up and that we shall go to our beds tonight with the assurance that for some time to come at any rate the sky will be clear, because I think we all have one common aim and that is peace. If people don't want peace, let them stand back, because as far as I know, a war today, as it will be, will only lead to complete misery, and everybody knows this, so we hope it will be averted. May I thank you all for bearing with me all this time. I hope I have succeeded in interesting you and may I wish you all "the very best." Captain George E. T. Eyston, M.C.
I thought you might
enjoy seeing these and
adding to your
collection of historic
LSR cars. I suspect you
likely have originals of
Bill Burkes "Super
Shaker." Roy has send
me a couple of pictures
of other Jerry Weeks
restorations. I think
one was an old Miller he
restored. Happy New
Year! See you at the
Banquet. Jerry Cornelison, Road
Runners Historian - SCTA
Club (established 1937)
Gear Grinder
Club Report:
Willie Young driver of
the Kenz-Leslie Ford
powered streamliner in
the 1950s passed away on
December 3, 2007.
Willie was a charter
member of the Bonneville
200 mph club. He also
was the 1st to set a two
way average at over 250
mph. Another of the
pioneers is on the long
course in the sky. Art
Arfons passed into the
great speed laboratory
in the sky at 4:00AM CST
Monday morning. Art
will be buried in his
fire suit, with wrenches
in his hands and J79 jet
engine operating manual
by his side. Also
tucked away with him
will be a jar of salt
brought home - oh, so
many years ago. Bob
Opperman A.K.A.
"Generator Bob" is doing
well. John Swanson had
knee surgery and is said
to be doing well. BNI
voted to subsidize SCTA
with $ 16,080 - this
will keep the current
number of Members at $
40 for membership dues
for 2008. The board
will address the
following areas of 2008
El Mirage Procedure
changes; Penalty for
Clubs not having enough
members present for
coarse prep,
Modification to starting
order per meet vs per
year, 200 mph line
sequence, Trophy
qualification. Check
expired numbers on SCTA
2008 Event Date: May
17-18, June 22, July
20, September
14, October 26, November
15-16. 2008
Gear Grinder Club
Meetings: January
3, February 7, March 6,
April 3, May 1, June 5,
July 3, August 7,
September 4, October -
depends on world finals,
November 6, December
4. 2008 Gear
Grinder Awards Banquet:
Saturday, March 22, 2008
@ NHRA Museum 10:00 am
to 4:00 pm.
2008 SCTA Awards Banquet;
January 2008.
2008 Race Dates El
Mirage: May
17-18, June 22, July
20, September
14, October 26, November
Bonneville Speedweek
2008: August
18- 24. Inspection:
August 17.
Bonneville World Finals
2008: October
8- 11. 2008
Board / Rep's Meetings; January
4, February 1, March
7, April 4, May 30, June
27, July 25, August 29,
September 19, October
31, November
21, December 5.
3) I
know I live in the past but
the date for the 7th B'ville
NW Reunion is 2008 and not
2007 as I originally sent in
the mailing. Thanks for the
update. FREUD
Freud: If
you erred, what must your
Society's Newsletter editor
be thinking when he couldn't
see and correct such an
obvious error? I am
chagrined. Be sure to send
us updates on the 7th
B'ville NW Reunion as they
occur so that I can post
them in the SLSRH
4) I
remember the twin cam
Tempest. Never knew why they
stopped running it. Just
thought I would point out
that the Dodge Bros four
banger also had at least
three OHV heads made for it.
One was the Roof 16 valve.
Five mains and 212 cid must
have been a pretty hot piece
in '26. I sold my '32
Plymouth engine to the
Speedway museum. They are
also planning on building a
replica of the OHV version
that I ran. I am making slow
progress on a Dodge Bros
motor to replace it. Rich
Please add Gary Svoboda to
the list. Gary is a "Car
Guy" and a former member of
the Accel Ignition Trackside
Engineering Team when I
served as the racing
director for the company.
He shows a 27 T Roadster
powered by a tiny Buick V8.
His E-address is
oldtin30@aol.com. Thanks, Bob Falcon Bob: Thank you for recommending Gary to our group. I've notified Mary Ann at www.hotrodhotline.com to add his name to our group and his email address to our list so that he can receive the newsletter. Mary Ann should have all the back issues of the newsletter with the photographs on the new website, www.landspeedracing.com.
6) Editor's notes:
I have phone numbers for
many of the members, but not
all. At your convenience,
please send me your phone
numbers so that I can update
my records. Street
addresses are not necessary,
but being able to call you
in an emergency is
important. Thank you.