Chute Out Meeting minutes - 4/6/04 Gold Coast Racers by W.Scott | ||
Oilstick |
Chute Out April 6, 2004 Club Members in Attendance: 20 Pres. Tim Rochlitzer, V.P. Harold Martin, V.P. Harold Motsenbocker, Treasurer Will Scott, Sec. Gail Phillips, Sgt. at Arms Doug Odom, Matt Williams, Terry Hunt, Don Edwards, Bob Stafford, Jack Mendenhall, Don Oaks, Leon Permasse, Chuck Small, Art Male, Richard Bouman, Don Hartshorn, John Denning and Bob Cash. new member Pete Grossi, owner of Grossi’s Muffler, next door to the Museum, was voted into the club as our newest member Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM with the Pledge of Allegiance Guest: Bob Dobbs. President’s Report: SCTA Meeting Insurance was discussed for SCTA at El Mirage and Bonneville. Vendors must show their own proof of insurance coverage to be able to sell at either venue. This reminds Tim that GCRRC must be sure any vendors at the Gas-Up have their own insurance, (ex. the T-shirt vendor planned for event shirts). BNI members number over 700 and over 200 entries have been received for August’s event. ‘Save the Salt’ Update: Reilly Industries have sold to Intrepid Mining who is not honoring the pumping agreement. BLM has been checking the salt and has made no determination if the pumping has helped or not, so are not pushing it to the new owners. We may need to go back to where we were years ago - square one. Our attorney is very aggressive and ready to get the process going again. FYI - salt CAN be sold. Reilly hasn’t sold any salt but if Intrepid does then it can mean there is no salt to pump. We need BLM to be on our side because we can’t sue the government. There have been a lot of changes within the BLM staffing so the continuity of personnel is not too good. SCTA’s property at El Mirage: Fencing is in the works and it is a given that we will need to pay to get in once the road and all fences are finished. We will only be able to get in on the East end, and season passes will be available. Clean Up at the Lake is May 1st and 2nd: Mark your calendars - and if you come on the first day, sign up at 8:00 am, work will begin at 9:00. Be SURE to sign in as SCTA gets credit for all members who attend. Bring rakes and push brooms if you can. Saturday is a work day and everyone receives free; continental breakfast, T-shirt, snack bag, BBQ lunch, goody bag, raffle ticket. Sunday is Poker Run fun day. BLM has a booklet (handed out or see Tim for copies) that tells what we can do and can’t do at El Mirage. It also has a phone number to call to check on the status of the lake. (NOTE: it has water on it now but should be dry enough by May 1st). Glenn Barrett will no longer be Chief Timer. He is moving to St. George, Utah for health reasons. He will sit in to help so any volunteers willing to take over the job? SCTA discussed the Modified Sports class in great length. Here is Tim’s short version. A guy has built a rear engine Honda with no roll bar above the driver and he has to lay down and look through a tube to see. He was going to be allowed to run. There are concerns about visual distortion, dust, and the rulebooks says you need 120 degree vision when lying inside. According to the rule book as it stands today, he CAN drive the car - but they will write a letter to say it will need to be changed next year. His eyes have to be higher then the edge of the car. Club discussion was does he need to be seated vs. lying down? Also he is in the same driver’s location. This is a heads up to those running in Modified Sports class. Club Business: Tim has checked into embroidery for the back of the club jackets. Once they get the disk with the artwork to the new embroiderer it will cost $35 per jacket. Do we want to order more jackets or just allow club members to have any of their own personal jackets embroidered with the club logo? Discussion ensued deciding that what the club is about is the logo not the purple jacket. Vote was unanimous for members to choose any jacket they want to have the logo put on. Embroiderer also sells a variety of jackets herself and you can check them out on her website: You can bring a jacket to a meeting and members who live in Santa Barbara will see that it gets to and from her. Stitchin Magic Custom Embroidery, Misty & Jeff McPherson, Santa Barbara, CA (805) 563-5578 FAX (805) 563-5579 FYI - Club member Gail Phillips (200 MPH member), Tanis Hammond (300 MPH member), Gail Kott (San Diego Roadster’s Pres), Trish Kisner (300 MPH member), and Landspeed Louise Noeth were all guest speakers at THE PETERSEN MUSEUM’s Speed Queens program on March 24th. The event was held in the middle of the current Landspeed exhibit, which lent an immediacy to the program helping it to come alive to the uninitiated and racers alike. An introduction from the museum Director Dick Messer, a slide show and video of Bonneville, a nice turn out of Sidewinders and museum members, along with refreshments donated by Ron Main, made it a very successful event. The Club thanks Terry Hunt for setting up the tour to Enderley’s. It was an awesome tour and everyone enjoyed it. Terry says Mr. Enderley enjoyed doing it and he is looking forward to the Gas-Up. Terry, with special THANKS to Jack Mendenhall for his help, has set up the next club tour to THE PETERSEN MUSEUM, on APRIL 24th at 11:00 am. It will be an unescorted tour. A special price of $5.00 per person and free parking has been arranged. Anyone who wishes to car pool or to meet at Jack’s and leave together should call each other and make arrangements. A new club roster was handed out to all in attendance so phone numbers are current. Petersen Museum, 6060 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90035 (323) 964-6347 web site with directions: On Wilshire @ Fairfax (CBS Studios and Farmers Market are a few block away on Fairfax) Will Scott says the easiest way to get there is to take the #10 Freeway (Santa Monica) to Fairfax Avenue North. Going north, on Fairfax, stay in the left lane as it goes back and forth from 1 to 2 lanes. You will see a Skyscraper in the distance ahead of you. Petersen Museum is across the street from the Skyscraper. The major street before Petersen is multi-lane San Vincente. The next light past San Vincente is 8th Street. The Petersen Museum parking entrance is to your right half a block ahead.
Terry Hunt and Doug Odom attended the SCTA Inspection Training. Terry suggested that a new person doing inspection, such as himself, will need help and he expects to team up with someone with experience to really learn how to be a good inspector. El Mirage Duties: Start thinking about or planning for May 16th. The club has the timing tower side at #3. Call Doug Odom (805) 489-6228 if you are available to help. GAS-UP: Regarding nominees, no one seems to know where Tom Cobb’s ‘34 coupe is since it has been sold. Chuck Small will call Roscoe in Monterey to see if he can find out where it went. Reminder to all that if a nominated car can not be present it will not be elected. Randy Dugan, a club member from L.A. is worried about the GCRRC’s title “Dry Lakes Racing Hall of Fame” slipping out from under ‘our feet’. Randy has an attorney friend who explained that the club should trademark (not copyright) the terms. Copies of all our programs have been sent to him to research this so the Dry Lakes Racers Hall of Fame can be trademarked. Tim is unsure whether “Gas Up” needs to be trademarked because it comes from “Jack Mendenhall’s Petroleum Museum”. Leon Permasse has done an inventory of club shirts and we have 217 (med to large) 2003 Gas Up T-shirts, and 46 sweatshirts of various sizes. Discussion on how to sell them; on e-bay, at car shows, swap meets, at racing events (SCTA requires insurance and a cut). Decided that any club member can buy a past dated Gas Up T-shirt for $5, so Leon is bringing them to the next meeting. GCRRC shirts are available to club members for $15, call Leon (928-8268) to bring them to the meeting. Club Roadster: Due to Mark Mendehall’s schedule. we haven’t gotten a work party yet. Announcements: Dennis Manning is putting on a Motorcycle meet at Bonneville, September 5th - 10th, 2004 with $10,000 worth of prizes. Lots of advertising, even in Europe, and several record holders will be attending. The Travel Channel has a show called KINGS OF THE ROADS and they will be airing a segment beginning on June 5th, at 8pm, about August’s 2003 Bonneville. That segment is called “Wheels of Fire” and you should check your local listings for channel, times and to verify date because it may vary throughout the state. It should air several times in June. If you live in SLO county it is cable channel 75, in Santa Barbara County it is cable channel 58, someone suggested on satellite it may be channel 215. Meeting adjourned at about 8:30 pm NEXT MEETING MAY 4th!